What is remote energy therapy?

Remote energy therapy is based on the science of intention (healing action through scientifically proven* thinking).
It is based on the transmission of energy. The fact of directing one’s thoughts towards a specific objective, what scientists call “intention” or “intentionality”, seems to produce an energy powerful enough to transform physical reality.
It is an energy that can make a difference.

Osteopath for 30 years now, I have developed my techniques towards a gentle and remote energy therapy.
You suffer from a particular disorder but can’t come to my practice? Choose  remote energy therapy. Don’t stay in pain.
Wherever you are, I can treat you.

*Source: La Science de l’intention from Lynne Mc Taggart published by Editions Ariane.

Distance energy therapy, for whom ?

Do you suffer from pain or a particular disorder? Do not suffer, and opt for remote energy therapy. Wherever you are, I can treat you.


maux de dos

Back pains

neck pain, back pain, lumbago

Troubles gynécologiques et urinaires

Gynaecological and urinary disorders

painful periods, incontinence, organ descent

Douleurs des membres

Limb pain

sciatica, cruralgia, tendonitis, sprains, carpal tunnel

Troubles ORL

Ent disorders

sinusitis, angina, ear infections

Troubles digestifs

Digestive disorders

abdominal pain, constipation, bloating, gastroesophageal reflux disease

Troubles généraux

General disorders

headaches, insomnia

Douleurs des membres

Psychological disorders

depression, fatigue, stress, OCD

Know me better

I am an osteopath, graduated from SUTHERLAND college in Paris and I practice since that date. My experience has allowed me to evolve my techniques towards a soft energy therapy.

To treat my family and friends who could not come to the office, I developed remote energy techniques. Faced with the success of this work, my relatives asked me to do the same with pets.

The very good results inspired me to create this site to put these skills at the service of the greatest number

Do you suffer from pain or a particular disorder? Don’t stay in pain and focus on remote energy therapy. Wherever you are, I can treat you.